
Identifying the Best Industrial Equipment Supplier

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Identifying the Best Industrial Equipment Supplier

Hello! My name is Tina. I have spent the past 6 months planning a series of blog posts which will explain the steps you can take to identify the best industrial equipment supplier. I was inspired to learn more about this interesting topic by my son, Gavin. Gavin has recently started work in the industrial supply industry. As he still lives at home, we often have long chats about his day when he returns home from work. The articles I have posted on this blog are based on the many conversations I had with Gavin. I hope you enjoy reading them.


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The Equipment Every Aspiring Green Thumb Needs

Whether you just bought your first house with a sizable backyard or you have recently decided to take an interest in gardening you will need to be prepared before you start to shape your garden properly. Gardening can be an expensive hobby if you intend to try and have an intricately manicured backyard but some of this equipment you will need at whatever level you are at. This article will go over the equipment all gardeners need whether just starting out or after decades of experience. 

Lawn Mower 

The biggest gun in most green thumbs arsenal, the lawn mower has been a part of Australian gardening for more than a century and remains the central component to creating a good garden. If you are just starting out, you should look at entry-level models that are sturdy but reliable. Do not go and buy the most expensive one as soon as you decide to enter the hobby. You need to test that this hobby is for you and, if it is not, then you will still need a lawn mower, but you will be frustrated if you spend an exorbitant amount of money on it.

There are so many options for lawn mowers that you can get confused so go for a trusted brand and perhaps ask the salesman for advice if you are really stuck. Once you start to build up your confidence, you can find add-ons and modifications that can improve your lawn mowers performance, or you can upgrade to a new, higher-end model.


Sometimes you come across a particularly unruly patch of grass that simply will not bow to your lawn mower. Here is when a weed-whacker will come into play, and you will be grateful that you have one because it will avoid you having to manually rip up the offending grass and weeds. You can also use a weed-whacker to make more defined edges at the corners of your garden instead of buying two different machines, but this can be tricky, so build up your confidence with the machine first.


Shears come in all shapes and sizes and can handle anything your bigger plants and bushes can throw at you. You should have a few sizes because of how cheap these are in relation to bigger tools and because they will be your main tool when it comes to the business of shaping the garden into what you want it to be. You can keep your plants at whatever size and shape you desire with shears. They have worked for hundreds of years because of their simple design and uncomplicated instructions, so they are perfect for an aspiring green thumb. 

Weed Puller

Weeds are likely to be your number one frustration in gardening and you want to spend as little time dealing with them as possible. A weed puller enables you to pick up weeds much easier than by hand and, if used correctly, will pull up most or all of the roots as well which means that particular weed will not come back. You want to be careful though, if you do not use it correctly you may just pull up the top half of the weed which will let it grow again. 

For more information and tips on choosing lawn mowing equipment, contact your local hardware store.